Keith R Peterson
with Hartmann, N. , Tremblay, F. , Peterson, K. (2017). The Megarian and the Aristotelian concept of possibility: a contribution to the history of the ontological problem of modality. Axiomathes, 27 (2), 209-223.
with Peterson, K. (2017). N. Hartmann, Reality, modality, and value [Review of the book , by ]. Axiomathes 27 (2), 129-131.
with Peterson, K. (2017). Nicolai Hartmann and recent realisms. Axiomathes, 27 (2), 161-174.
(2016). Scenes of disagreement: Nicolai Hartmann between phenomenological ontology and speculative realism. In M. R. Kelly, & B. Harding (Eds.). Early phenomenology (pp. 125-140). London: Bloomsbury.
with Peterson, K. (2012). An introduction to Nicolai Hartmann's critical ontology. Axiomathes, 22 (3), 291-314.